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Pilates is an intensive training that respects the body, to the rhythm of precise chest breathing.

Quickly, the regular practice of Pilates gives visible results: a better posture is obtained thanks to deep muscle strengthening, and back fatigue disappears to give way to a feeling of well-being and increased energy.

Designed to adapt to the age and morphology of each individual, this training aims to work on abdominal strength, flexibility and concentration.

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"the pilates method is a technique that allows you to obtain and maintain your body

with a uniform development, an intellect capable of carrying out our daily, numerous and varied tasks with energy and pleasure ".

J. Pilates

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Bral method relaxation

This new method developed by Robert Bral osteopath, former dancer (Béjart, Carolyn Carlson, ...), is very effective in terms of restructuring flexibility.

This course offers a series

exercises lying on your back

thus allowing to reduce and even

avoid joint or back problems encountered both by intense physical activity and by sedentary lifestyle.

We also work with an elastic, for optimum stretching.

Thus the proposed exercises allow the rebalancing of each muscle chain. "This work becomes restorative and preventive helping to reduce joint problems and back problems" (R.Bral)

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

More info on his site:


Franklin Method®

The Franklin® method is a gentle and effective approach to obtain a beautiful posture.

Combining imagination, movement and awareness of the body, it promotes body-mind dialogue and well-being. And because it emphasizes training the mind, the Franklin® method is gentle, creative, fun and sporty at the same time.

Through visualization, we will explore the structure and function of our anatomy.

This will increase our awareness of our own body.

This method works with images and touch, tools that cost nothing and that we always have with us. Mental images will allow us to reprogram unfavorable posture and movement patterns to replace them with new ones. The images remind the body how it should function optimally.


Hatha Yoga

In Sanskrit " Hatha yoga" means energetic yoga.

Symbolically it is the union of the sun "ha" and the moon "tha", the inspired breath and the expired breath. It is a gentle, relaxed practice in order to refocus on yourself and to listen to your body.

Attention is paid to the importance of breathing (also called "pranayamas") during exploration  

many postures without

constraints for the body and therefore without risk.

The aim is to strengthen and

to soften the musculoskeletal structure which leads to a

optimization of organic functions and therefore, ultimately, allows each

person to improve his health.

Regeneration of the body and

the mind.


Total Body Fit

The Total Body Fit class is a Bodybuilding - Cardio class that offers simple, effective and varied sequences of exercises for bodybuilding, strengthening, alignment and endurance work.

The whole on a musical background at moderate tempo with a progression installed over the whole year and integrating the principles of Pilates, Franklin and movement analysis.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Charlotte Le Mesle-Danse Avec Ton Souffle-32_edited.jpg

Hatha Yoga

In Sanskrit " Hatha yoga" means energetic yoga.

Symbolically it is the union of the sun "ha" and the moon "tha", the inspired breath and the expired breath. It is a gentle, relaxed practice in order to refocus on yourself and to listen to your body.

Attention is paid to the importance of breathing (also called "pranayamas") during exploration  

many postures without

constraints for the body and therefore without risk.

The aim is to strengthen and

to soften the musculoskeletal structure which leads to a

optimization of organic functions and therefore, ultimately, allows each

person to improve his health.

Regeneration of the body and

the mind.


Contemporary floor bar

Fusion of contemporary dance and yoga.

This class allows you to explore the space in our joints, to play with the body weight to release tension and to get into the movement in a playful way.

Simple and organic exercises to be in harmony with your body, this floor work improves the flexibility and elasticity of your muscles and optimizes the use of your skeleton.

The course ends with a small choreography on the ground.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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